The Cave
Far from anything that sparkles or shines
Born in a cave, He came in the night
Born into silence, in the stillness of night
Did He even make a cry?
Mary, in labor, climbed up the hill
Forbearing the walk up Calvary’s Hill
And came to the cave that awaited until
The Savior was born, God’s promise fulfilled
And what were her thoughts as she journeyed up nigh?
The Savior comes forth into darkness and lies
In a cave with the dirt as the floor; she’s surprised
At God’s will for their life and her Son’s birth this night
Yet into this poverty what joy came yet still!
As angels gave cry of God’s mercy revealed!
And lo and behold, the shepherds they kneeled
To adore the world’s Savior – Salvation is here!
Behold, He left the same way He came
Born in a cave which would become His grave
From womb to tomb his purpose remained:
He came to the world for all to be saved.
Scripture for Reflection:
The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-20)
“Taking the body, Joseph wrapped it [in] clean linen and laid it in his new tomb that he had hewn in the rock.” (Matthew 27:59-60)