The Shepherd’s Prayer
I left all my sheep behind in haste at the angels’ bidding. What is it that I can offer You? I am a poor man, with nothing but the shirt upon my back and the staff in my hand.
…But you are poor, too. Born in a cave. You have no possessions either, but what You offer–Yourself–is the greatest gift of all.
I suppose I can offer that, too. Myself, in my poverty. Perhaps this is the greatest gift I could offer You, and maybe it’s the only gift you really want from me.
A poor shepherd. Yet what I have to offer means everything to You.
You were not even welcomed properly into the world. The innkeepers turned you away. Who am I to stand here before you, the King of all humanity? What did I do to merit this great an honor? I am merely a lowly man. No one knows my name…but You do.
You saw me in this dark night. You saw my hopelessness in the monotony of my every day. You called me when I felt unseen, unknown, forgotten, all alone. You chose me…and You came for me. You sent the angels to announce to me my salvation: “For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you” (Luke 2:11, emphasis added).
The night is still dark, but my vision has changed. I live with hope. I Iive with purpose, with meaning because You have come to save me; and now, to You I give everything back, beginning with myself. Just as I am.
I look upon Your newborn Face, and within Your eyes, I see the reflection of another shepherd, a Shepherd of souls. You will be a Shepherd, too, Your flock the people who had wandered in darkness, who had gone astray. I call myself a shepherd, but You are the true Shepherd of all.
What can I give You? You just want me.
Scripture for Reflection:
The Visit of the Shepherds (Luke 2:8-20)
The Canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1:68-79)
Psalm 23